Get a Free Business Expenses Spreadsheet [3 Styles]

Probably the most challenging part of the business is handling the finances. Managing business expenses is a critical aspect of running a successful and profitable venture.

This is why keeping track of your expenses is crucial for your business’ success. Instead of hiring an accountant or a professional, you can handle your business expenses by yourself with the help of a business expense spreadsheet template.

In this article, we’ll discuss business expense spreadsheets, and we’ve also compiled some business expenses spreadsheet templates that you can use.

Table of Contents

What is a Business Expense Spreadsheet?

A business expenses spreadsheet is a digital document that allows you to record, categorize, and analyze your company’s expenses in a structured and efficient manner.

It typically consists of rows and columns, where each row represents an individual expense transaction, and each column represents a specific piece of information related to that transaction.

The purpose of a business expense spreadsheet is to accurately record and categorize expenses; businesses can gain visibility into their spending patterns, identify areas of cost reduction or optimization, and make informed financial decisions.

What a Good Business Expenses Spreadsheet Should Include?

A good business expenses spreadsheet should include the following:

  1. Expenses: The most important part of a business expense template is, of course, the expenses. You can either list them or put them in categories like fixed expenses, office supplies, travel expenses, and professional services. Categorizing them helps you analyze spending patterns and identify areas for potential cost-saving.
  2. Date and Description: It should also include columns for the date of each expense transaction and a brief description or purpose of the expense. This information provides context and helps you quickly locate specific expenses when reviewing or reconciling your records.
  3. Amount: You should include a section to enter the cost of each expense. It is crucial to record the expenditure to maintain precise financial records accurately.
  4. Payment Method: Include a column to indicate the payment method used for each expense, such as cash, credit card, debit card, or check. This lets you track different payment methods and reconcile your records with bank statements.
  5. Vendor/Supplier Information: You can also add a column to record the name of the vendor or supplier from whom the expense comes from. This information will help in vendor management, tracking relationships, and future reference.
  6. Tax information: If applicable, there can also be a column to indicate deductible tax information for each expense. This information is vital for tax planning and filing.
  7. Subtotals and Totals: At the end of the rows or columns, you should have the totals and subtotals for each category. Google sheets have formulas that can calculate the subtotals and totals for you to make your work easier. This provides a clear summary of expenses and facilitates budgeting and financial analysis.
  8. Periodic Summary: Include a section to summarize monthly or periodic expenses. This allows you to monitor spending trends, compare actual expenses against budgeted amounts, and make informed financial decisions.

You can also add things like Charts and Graphs for a quick overview of expense patterns and budget comparisons of previous periods.

How to do a Business Expense Spreadsheet in Google

Creating a business expense sheet in Google Sheets is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Open a blank spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
  1. Rename the first sheet by double-clicking on the tab at the top and giving it a suitable name, such as Expense Sheet or Business Expenses.
Name the spreadsheet
  1. Add a section for the date and details of the person submitting the expense spreadsheet.
Set up headings
  1. Set up the column headers in the first row with the necessary information. Common column headers may include Date, Category, Description, Payment Method, Vendor, and Amount.
Enter the Expenses headings
  1. Adjust the column widths as needed.
  2. Start entering your expense data in the appropriate columns. Add new rows as needed to accommodate additional expenses.
  3. Format and Style the Expense Sheet however you wish.

You can apply formatting and styling, like font styles, colors, and cell backgrounds, to make it visually appealing and easier to navigate.

  1. Add Formulas for Calculations. For example, you can use the SUM function to calculate the total expenses for a specific period or the SUMIF function to calculate the total expenses based on a particular category.

Once you’re done, you can print or share your spreadsheet with your colleagues by clicking on the share button at the top right of the window.

Expenses Spreadsheet Templates

Below are some business expense tracker templates that you can use in Google Sheets:

Simple Expense Sheet Template

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The simple expenses template is a versatile expense tracking template that can be used for different business purposes.

This template includes the following:

This template can also be used as a trucking expenses template.

Monthly Expense Spreadsheet

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The monthly expense spreadsheet template is a spreadsheet that details the business expenses for each month for an entire year.

This template includes the following:

The sparkline is a small chart at the end of each expense that lets you visually compare the cost for each month. To copy the sparkline to the rest of the rows, simply click the cell and drag the little circle at the bottom right to the cells you want.

Our template also has pre-filled formulas so that once you fill in the table, the formulas are calculated automatically.

Free Small Business Spreadsheet

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The free small business spreadsheet for income and expenses. This is a great spreadsheet for business expense management.

This template includes the following:

Each section contains a description of the expense, the budgeted cost, the actual cost, the payment method, and the totals.

You can also adapt this template for an independent contractor’s expenses template.

Why Should You Use Our Business Expenses Templates?

Here’s why you should use our business expense sheet templates:

Why Use Google Spreadsheets For Business Expenses?

Most of our templates are meant for Google Sheets, and you’re probably wondering why. That’s because Google Sheets offers several advantages for managing business expenses:

Final Thoughts

Staying on top of your business finances is simple with a business expenses spreadsheet. In this article, we’ve not only given you some templates for business expense spreadsheets, but we’ve also discussed the benefits of using Google Sheets for your expense spreadsheet.

With the promo code SSP you can also save 50% off of all templates in our premium library. Check out the link below.


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