Parents: How to enrol your child in an AMEB exam

A step by step guide is on the AMEB website on how to enrol for your exam but you can also call me and I will walk you through it.

Below is a real succinct guide that works a treat! Enrolment: Click on the link below to log into AMEBConnect (you can register at this link too as a Private Enroller if you have not already) Face-to-Face Practical Exam enrolment 1) Select Series: PRACTICAL FACE TO FACE 2) Select Syllabus: Recommended for 2023 candidates: Piano for Leisure OLD i) Prelim 01280 ii) Grade 1 01281 iii) Grade 2 01282 iv) Grade 3 01283 v) Grade 4 01284 vi) Grade 5 01285 In 2024 the NEW syllabus is compulsory, with new technical work and NEW subject codes: i) Prelim 6330 ii) Grade 1 6331 iii) Grade 2 6332 iv) Grade 3 6333 v) Grade 4 6334 vi) Grade 5 6335

Other option: Video Repertoire Enrolment (no need to go into the exam centre/upload video of 4 songs instead):

1) Select series: Video repertoire 2nd Session 21 2) Select syllabus Piano for Leisure Repertoire 3) Select Subject: V62XX depending on grade level 4) Click “Add to basket”

Once enrolled, you have up to 21 days (from the date of enrolment) to complete the recording and submit to AMEB (NSW)

Recording the Video . This is the AMEB guide for Video Recording and submission summarised:
  1. The entire video has to be recorded in one continuous take from the beginning of the candidate’s introduction to the end of the last piece.
  2. both hands, feet/pedals can be easily seen.
  3. the video is NOT in mirror image (not selfie camera mode ).
  4. Recent smart phone or tablet is best for recording. Please ensure you test it first for both audio and visual quality.
  5. Choose a quiet location with good lighting and minimal ambient noise.
    Ensure your video file size is no bigger than 1.5GB in size. mp4 is the recommended filetype
  6. The student must present themselves, the day/month/year, the grade they are doing
  7. Below is a script to follow:
Script for the student to read to introduce themself and their pieces (adapt for your own info): ( For candidates 8 years or younger, the parent can announce the candidate introduction for them)

Hello, my name is Jude Christopher and my candidate number is 12345

Today is the Tuesday the 4th October 2022.

I am doing my grade 1 exam for subject Piano for Leisure .My first piece is Im a Believer by Neil Diamond .
[The student then plays the 1st piece]

Now I will play “Plaisir D’amour” by Martini [The student then plays the 2nd piece] Now I will play “Russian Dance” by Tchaikovsky [The student then plays the 3rd piece]

Now I will play ‘Addams Family Theme” by Vic Mizzy

[The student then plays the 4th piece] Some other notes regarding recording: Maximum video length permitted is in the table below

Page turners – are permitted but must ensure they do not obstruct the view of hands or pedal in the video recording. Page turners are not to verbally communicate with the candidate, or the result will be “Unable to Assess”.

Every recording must have a supervisor – usually a parent

The supervisor’s name and phone number must be provided on the video submission form in case the video needs to be verified later.

Uploading the Video to AMEBConnect 1) Log into AMEBConnect 2) Click on your candidate and there will be a button to “UPLOAD VIDEO”

3) Make sure you stay on the video submission screen during the upload process and do not navigate away (nor walk away from your computer)

4) Every few mins click something on the screen during the upload process to ensure you remain ‘active’ otherwise, you may be logged after 10 minutes of inactivity.

Remember I am always here, as the Director, I will happily walk you through over the phone – 04012 MUSIC or just 04012 68742.

Also, The AMEB can be contacted direct anytime on (02) 9367 8456


There are 2 main exam periods you can select if you are a North Shore and Northern Beaches student:

– “06 – Metro 1st Exam Session” : Approx 20 Apr- 8 Jun ( dates slightly change each year. Enrolment cut-off for 1st session is around mid-Feb).

– RECOMMENDED “03 – Metro 2nd Exam Session” : Approx mid Aug – mid Sept, Enrolment cut-off for 2nd session is 1st week of June; Period 1 for North Shore; Period 2 for Northern Beaches (it is assigned according to your postcode).

Music Waves strongly suggests most students enrol in the Metro 2nd Session (Aug/Sept exam).

Only very dedicated and tenacious students, willing to practice min 1-2 hours a week and throughout the first holiday break (ie no family trips) enrol in the Metro 1st session Their exam can literally be scheduled by the AMEB straight after the Easter Break. You have no choice in the exact date. You can only advise of black out periods that you cannot attend. But even then, the AMEB takes no responsibility for a clash and offers no guarantees.

11. Which “Subject”

Most students in Music Waves will be doing “Piano for Leisure“. Only a selected few do straight “Piano” or other instruments.

Piano for Leisure subjects (Please check what book your child is learning from to ensure you select the correct subject

12. “Preferred Venue”? Clarence St, Wynyard or Sydney Conservatorium

13. “Scheduling” You are only allowed to list dates to avoid. You cannot ask for a specific date (and avoid offending the AMEB scheduling staff at all costs!) If you need as much time as possible to prepare, I suggest typing “Overseas April 10-May 20” or “Out of country August” so that the scheduler can tryto avoid the first half of your respective exam session.

14. Click “Add to Basket” and proceed to credit card screen to pay.

15. If you realise you have made an error, email AMEB immediately to avoid being charged error fees.

Important materials supplied by AMEB to help you understand their rules: