10+ Job Offer Letter Acceptance Reply Email Samples

HR Cabin

When you receive a job offer you should respond to it within 2 or 3 days. You should acknowledge a job offer by writing an acceptance email. It shows your professionalism and confirms your joining date. It is an important step when entering into a new organization.

A good job offer acceptance email consists of gratitude, joining confirmation, and date. Below are a few job offer acceptance email samples that you can use.

1. Simple Job Acceptance Email

Sub: Acceptance of [Job title] position offer.

Thank you for offering me the job position of [job title] at [company name]. I am pleased to accept your job offer.

I will join the job on 21st Jan 2024, as mentioned in the email.

Looking forward to working with you and your team.

Your name.
Mobile no.

Job Offer letter acceptance reply email sample

2. Job Acceptance Email

Sub: Confirmation: Accepting the offer for [Job title].

Thank you for offering me the [job title] position at [company name]. I am happy to accept this offer and I look forward to starting work on the [Joining date].

Thank you again for the opportunity. I am eager to make a positive impact on the company with all of my efforts.

Please inform me if any additional information is needed.

Your name,
Mobile no.

Offer letter acceptance email sample

3. Job Acceptance Email

Sub: Acceptance for the position of [Job title].

Thank you for offering me the position of [job title] with [company name]. I am glad to accept this offer and I am eagerly anticipating commencing work on the [Joining date].

It is clear to me that my monthly net salary will be Rs……………, and I will have other benefits such as health insurance and EPF.

Once again, thank you for providing me with this amazing opportunity. I am really excited to work at [Company name].

If any additional details are necessary, please inform me.

Your name,
Mobile no.

4. Job Acceptance Email with Salary Negotiation

Subject: Request to reconsider the salary for the ………. position.

Thank you for offering me the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I am excited about the opportunity and eager to be a part of the team.

Before I accept, I would like to discuss the salary. Based on my experience and market standards, I am expecting a salary of around ……………….. Rs.

I am confident that I can make a significant contribution to [Company Name] and am looking forward to finding a salary that is mutually agreeable.

I kindly ask that you reconsider my salary so that I can make my final decision.

Your name,
Mobile no.

Job Acceptance Email with Salary Negotiation

5. Job Acceptance Email with salary negotiation

Sub: Salary reconsideration for …………. position.

I am writing to thank you for the job offer for the [Job Title] role at [Company Name]. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to work with your team and contribute to the company.

Before that, I want to discuss the proposed salary for the offer. Based on my experience, skills, and market standards, I am expecting a salary of around ……………… Rs per annum.

I am sure that [Company Name] will benefit from my contribution and am eager to contribute to the team’s success. I am ready for any further discussion regarding salary, hopefully, it will be beneficial for both the company and me.

I look forward to the possibility of working together and thank you for considering my request.

Your name,
Mobile no.

6. Job Acceptance Email with a Different Start Date

Sub: Acceptance of [Job Title] Position.

Thank you for offering me the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I am excited to accept the offer.

However, I would like to discuss the joining date. Due to [personal reasons/current commitments], I am requesting to join on [New joining date] instead of [Original Start Date]. It would be great if you could accept my request.

Please let me know if this change is possible. I am looking forward to joining the team and contributing to [Company Name].

Thank you again for this opportunity.

Your name,
Mobile no.

Job Acceptance Email with a Different Start Date

7. Job Acceptance Email with a Different Start Date

Sub: [Job Title] Position offer acceptance & joining date change request.

I am excited to accept the [Job Title] job at [Company Name]. Thank you for this opportunity.

Due to personal reasons / current job responsibilities, I am requesting a change in the date of joining. I would be grateful if you could change it to ……..…

Please consider the possibility of changing my joining date. I am really looking forward to joining your company.

Your name,
Mobile no.

8. Job Acceptance Email with Clarification Needed

Sub: Acceptance of [Job Title] position – Need Some Clarifications

Thank you for offering me the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I am excited to accept this offer.

Before I confirm, I would like to clarify a few details about [mention the specific details you need clarity on, such as job responsibilities, work hours, or other aspects].

Would it be possible to discuss this more? I want to make sure I understand everything before starting.

Looking forward to your response and joining the team.

Your name,
Mobile no.

9. Job Acceptance Email with Clarification Needed on Net Salary

Sub: Clarification on Net Salary for [Job Title] Position

Thank you for the offer for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I am excited about the opportunity and am keen to accept.

Before I proceed, could you provide me with more information about the net salary? I want to know my take-home pay after taxes and deductions.

Your help in understanding this part of the offer is much appreciated. I am eagerly awaiting your reply.

Your name,
Mobile no.

10. Job offer Acceptance Email with More Time to Decide

Sub: Request for Additional Decision Time – [Job Title].

Thank you for offering me the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I am truly grateful for the opportunity and excited about the possibility of joining your team.

I require additional time to think about the offer before I can give my final decision. I want to ensure that it’s the right decision for both my career and personal goals. Could you please extend my decision deadline to a [new date]?

I hope you will consider my request. I will make sure to inform you of my decision by the proposed date.

I am looking forward to your response.

Your name,
Mobile no.

11. Job offer Acceptance Email with Clarification on Probation Period

Sub: About [Job Title] job offer- Clarifications Needed.

I am excited to accept the offer for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. Thank you for this opportunity.

Before I join, I need to ask a few questions about the probationary period. Could you please provide me with more details about the one-year probation period, including how my performance will be assessed and the limitations on my benefits during this period?

I am looking forward to your response and am eager to become a part of the team.

Your name,
Mobile no.

Tips to Write the Best Job Offer Acceptance Email

  1. Express gratitude: Begin by thanking the individual who offered you the job. It shows you’re grateful for the opportunity.
  2. Accept the Offer: Clearly state that you’re accepting the job. Use simple words like “I am pleased to accept the position of [Job Title].”
  3. Confirm Details: Briefly mention the important job details like your start date and salary, just to make sure you both agree.
  4. Show Excitement: Let them know you’re excited to start working. A sentence like “I’m looking forward to contributing to the team” works well.
  5. Stay Formal: Keep the email professional. Use proper language and avoid slang or casual phrases.
  6. Ask Questions if Needed: If there’s something important you still need to know, feel free to ask.
  7. Mention Next Steps: If you know there are things like paperwork to do next, mention that you’re ready to do them.
  8. Keep it Short: Don’t make the email too long. Stick to the main points.
  9. Check Your Writing: Look over your email for any spelling or grammar mistakes.
  10. End with Your Contact Info: Finish by writing your phone number or email, and use a simple closing like “Regards” or “Sincerely” followed by your name.

What to Do After Acceptance of Offer Letter

  1. Send a Confirmation: Make sure to respond to the job offer within the specified time mentioned in the offer email.
  2. Notify Your Current Employer: If you are already employed, inform your current employer that you are resigning and complete the required notice period.
  3. Know Your Joining Date: Make sure you know when you’re supposed to start your new job.
  4. Finish Any Paperwork: If the new job needs you to do things like background checks or fill out forms, get those done.
  5. Learn About Your New Job: Make an effort to learn more about the job and the company you’ll be working for.
  6. Plan How You’ll Get There: Consider how you’ll reach your new job, your attire, and other practical matters.
  7. Update Your LinkedIn: Once you start, change your job status on LinkedIn or other professional sites.
  8. Look at Your Financial Situation: If your income is changing, think about how it affects your budget.
  9. Set Some Goals: Think about what you want to achieve in your new job.
  10. Keep Contacts: Stay in touch with people from your old job.
  11. Get Ready for Your First Day: Make sure to arrive on time, dress appropriately, and be prepared to learn and meet new people on your first day.


1. Is it mandatory to send the acceptance email for a job offer?

Yes, it is important to send an acceptance email to acknowledge the job offer. This email serves as a record of your confirmation of the job terms.

2. What should I include in the job offer acceptance email?

Your acceptance email should include a thank you for the offer, a clear statement of acceptance, confirmation of the job title and start date, and any other important terms like salary. It’s also a good place to express your enthusiasm for the role.

3. How soon should I send my acceptance email after receiving a job offer?

Preferably, you should respond within 2-3 days. This shows your enthusiasm and professionalism. However, if you need more time to decide, it’s acceptable to ask for it.

4. Can I reject the job after getting the job offer?

Yes, you can reject a job offer even after receiving it. However, it should be done professionally and as soon as you’ve made your decision, to allow the employer to move on to other candidates.

5. Is it okay to accept the job offer via email?

Yes, accepting a job offer via email is common and acceptable. It provides a written record of your acceptance and any terms agreed upon.

6. Can I ask for more time to decide on the job offer?

Yes, you can ask for more time to decide. Be honest about your reason for needing more time, and suggest a reasonable timeframe for when you will provide your decision.

7. What if I want to decline the job offer after accepting it?

Yes, you can reject the job offer even after accepting it. But inform the employer immediately so that they can move to the next candidate, and be respectable and polite while rejecting the job offer.

8. Is the offer letter and appointment letter the same?

No, they are not the same. An offer letter is an informal job offer that can be accepted or rejected.
An appointment letter is a formal letter provided after the acceptance of the job offer, outlining the terms of employment.

9. Can I negotiate the salary in the offer letter?

Yes, you can negotiate the salary in the offer letter. It’s best to do this after receiving the offer but before formally accepting it. Be sure to do this negotiation professionally and reasonably, based on market standards and your skills.
