Financial Information and Scholarships

Student Financial Services is located in Duffy Academic Center. It is the source of all information regarding financial aid, provides counseling on financial aid matters and alternative financing, and functions as the clearinghouse for all financial obligations owed to the College by students. Within this office, the Associate Director for Student Accounts bills students for tuition, fees, room and board, traffic fines, residence hall damage, etc. All billing questions should be addressed to Student Financial Services.

This information is also accessible via the Internet on the College website at, under Admissions and Financial Aid.

Notwithstanding any language to the contrary, the College makes the presumption that all students must register each semester. If a student fails to do so, College privileges may be revoked including but not limited to access to classes, the residence halls and meal plan. No student can register until his/her obligations to the College, financial and otherwise have been cleared through the appropriate office.

Tuition and Fees

Description Charge
Full-time Tuition*** $16,310 per semester*
Part-time Tuition $1,087 per credit**

****Room and Board charges are made up of the following:

Description Charge
Room per semester $3,847
Board Overhead per semester $1,296
Meal Plan C (standard plan) per semester $1,162
Meal Plan A per semester $1,509
Meal Plan B per semester $1,333
Meal Plan D per semester $826

Miscellaneous Fees, as applicable

Description Charge
Application fee, submitted with application form $60
Study Abroad Fee $750 Spring semester only
Resident Parking Decal $110 per year
Commuter Parking Decal $50 per year
Late Payment Fee 1.0% per month. Assessed on outstanding balance.
Non-Refundable Room Guarantee Charge $100 per year. Assessed to all students entering the housing lottery for the upcoming year and all students residing on campus for at least one semester during the year.
Late Registration Fee $50 Assessed to students who do not register during the designated registration period each semester.
Returned Check Fee $60 per occurrence

*BA or BSBA students taking 19 or more credits will be charged $1,087 for each additional credit above 18. BS students taking 20 or more credits will be charged $1,087 for each additional credit above 19.

**for students approved to take fewer than 12 credits

***Includes $97.50 per semester for Student Activities Fee

****This fee is mandatory. All resident students are required to enroll in one of the four meal plans listed above. Include $50 Flex food funds.

NOTE: Special Fees are non-refundable. Charges currently listed are subject to change. Students are charged for any breakage of laboratory equipment and/or any damage to campus facilities.

General Billing Information

Each semester’s tuition and room and board charges are billed and payable, with appropriate fees, before the start of each semester.

Bills for the fall semester are mailed in July and due in full by August 6. Bills for the spring semester are mailed in November and due in full by December 15. Bills are generated in the student’s name and sent to the permanent address unless Student Financial Services is instructed by the student, in writing, to do otherwise. Part-time students who do not register for courses prior to July 1 for the fall and November 1 for the spring must pay all charges in full when registering for their courses.

A late payment fee of 1.00% of any outstanding balance will be assessed on the day following the due date. Moreover, an additional 1.00% of the unpaid balance will be charged for each subsequent month in which a balance remains unpaid. Students are not billed separately for this charge.

The College is not responsible for bills that are lost in the mail, returned for address correction, or otherwise undeliverable. Students and their families should be aware that the due dates for each semester typically remain constant from year to year and, if necessary, it is their responsibility to request a duplicate bill in time to meet the payment date, or, the student may view account information online through myHill. The due date is not adjusted, nor is the late charge waived, if a bill mailed by the College in a timely manner is not received (or is received late) by the addressee.

The College has the right to refuse personal checks for any payment made after the due date and may require all future remittance via cash, bank check, or money order for students or families who have jeopardized their credit standing with the College. The College does not accept direct payment using credit/debit cards.

Except for courses accepted in transfer from another institution, foreign or domestic, all credits applied toward a degree are billed by and payable to Stonehill, including credits earned at an off-campus location such as an internship site or a school where practice teaching takes place.

If an institution or agency charges a service fee to the College for the supervision of student interns, etc., the College will pay the fee if the student’s current tuition payment to the College is sufficient to cover the fee. Otherwise the student shall be responsible for paying the fee.

Billing for External Programs

The College has a policy of Direct Billing for matriculated Stonehill students who participate in approved international or domestic external programs (whether internships or study abroad experiences) that are not provided by the College.

The College will contract with each program provider to offer the agreed-upon academic experience and will forward all deposits and institutionally-negotiated program fees to the provider on behalf of the students approved to participate by the International Programs Office. If the student ultimately attends the external program, the College will be reimbursed for the pre-paid deposit and program fees through the tuition, fees, and room/board assessed to his/her account. If the student does not attend the external program, for any reason whatsoever after the College has paid the deposit and/or program fees on his/her behalf, the student is obligated to reimburse the College for the full amount of any non-refundable deposit, in addition to any charges for standard tuition, fees, and room and board that are assessed to the student’s account.

Students in approved external programs will be charged and billed for current Stonehill tuition and mandatory fees, plus Stonehill’s room and/or board if the provider’s advertised standard program costs include room and/or board. If the program fee includes tuition but not room and board, the student will be charged Stonehill’s tuition and mandatory fees only. If the program fee includes tuition and room, the student will be charged Stonehill’s tuition, mandatory fees, and room and board minus the initial declining balance established for Meal Plan C. If the program fee includes tuition, room and board, the student will be charged Stonehill’s tuition, mandatory fees, and room and board.

Students will retain all of their financial aid including institutional discounts with the following exceptions:

  1. non-institutional funds that stipulate that they are unable to be used for such purposes will be returned to the funding source;
  2. non-basketball athletically related aid for sports scheduled during the semester abroad without special permission of the coach of that intercollegiate athletic team;
  3. Stonehill Basketball Scholarships and Tuition Exchange Scholarships are not transferable. Students normally holding such funding will be responsible for paying the College the full negotiated external program fees.

Health Insurance

State law requires that students taking nine or more credits carry health insurance and annually provide proof of such insurance to the College. At the beginning of each academic year, all students enrolled in nine or more credits are billed for insurance coverage under Stonehill College Accident and Sickness Insurance policy offered by Gallagher Koster Insurance. This premium may be waived only when the College receives the completed online waiver from Gallagher Koster Insurance at The insurance premium on your bill will be cancelled ONLY if the online waiver process is completed by the payment due date. The standard late fee is charged against the assessed insurance premium if the waiver process is not completed on time, regardless of whether or not the insurance is waived. Students wishing to enroll in the College’s plan must complete an online acceptance at Gallagher Koster Insurance. Coverage extends from August 15 to August 14. You will not be permitted to start classes until Stonehill College receives electronic confirmation from Gallagher Koster Insurance that the waiver or acceptance process is complete.

Room Guarantee/Charge

Students planning to live on campus will be assessed an annual $100 non-refundable Room Guarantee Charge. For new resident students, this charge will appear on their accounts along with room and board charges. For returning resident students, this charge will be assessed at the time of housing selection each spring semester. This charge serves two purposes:

Current resident students who do not intend to return to housing for the following academic year must notify the Director of Residence Life in writing by the date by which housing selection forms are due in order to avoid the Room Guarantee Charge. Those students who submit housing selection forms and then withdraw from housing will forfeit their Room Guarantee Charge.

Students residing on campus for at least one semester during the academic year will be charged the full annual fee.

Guarantee Deposits

All incoming students will pay a guarantee deposit of $500 by the specified commitment date. The disposition of the deposit is based on residency status. Students accepted as commuters will be credited the $500 deposit on the first tuition bill.

The guarantee deposit for accepted resident students will be divided to cover the $100 room guarantee charge (as described above). The remaining $400 will be credited to the first tuition bill. These deposits are not refundable.

Withdrawal Policies and Procedures

Withdrawal from the College or from Residency

A student may voluntarily withdraw from the College for personal or medical reasons or the College may involuntarily withdraw a student from the College for disciplinary, administrative or medical reasons. The College must approve any withdrawal request.

Voluntary Withdrawal from the College for Personal Reasons

A student may voluntarily withdraw from the College for personal reasons. Personal reasons are defined as any legitimate reason other than a medical reason. A student who wishes to withdraw from the College for personal reasons must sign and complete the College Withdrawal Form available in the Office of Academic Services. A student withdrawing for personal reasons must receive the signed approval of the Director of Academic Services in consultation with the Vice President for Academic Affairs or his or her designee. Signed approval will normally only be granted upon the student’s completion and submission of the College Withdrawal Form and the completion of an Exit Interview with the Office of Academic Services.

Student I.D.’s must be returned at this time. For resident students, room keys must be returned to the Residence Life Office. Students who withdraw from the College after the last official date of classes are considered to have completed the courses for which they were enrolled on the last class day of that semester. In those cases where the specific last date of class attendance must be determined, the student’s faculty are contacted in order to establish such date.

Students contemplating a withdrawal or change in their enrollment status are encouraged to meet with Student Financial Services prior to completing the withdrawal process to discuss the financial impact of their decision, including refund eligibility, Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements, future eligibility for financial aid, and the possibility of having to pay for a course in which the student is no longer enrolled and for which (s)he will receive no credit.

Readmission to the College following Voluntary Withdrawal

Students who previously attended Stonehill College but withdrew prior to completing their program must apply to the Office of Academic Services for readmission. This process may be initiated any time after March 15, but should be completed by July 1 for the fall semester. For the spring semester, this process must be completed between October 15 and December 1.

Voluntary Withdrawals from Residency for Personal Reasons

A student may voluntarily withdraw from residency for personal reasons. Personal reasons are defined as any legitimate reason other than a medical reason. A student who wishes to withdraw from residency for personal reasons must sign and complete the Residence Withdrawal Form available in the Office of Residence Life.

Students are not guaranteed or promised a return to residency after voluntarily withdrawing from College housing. Students seeking residency in such cases should discuss available options with the Director of Residence Life or his or her designee.

Students who are suspended or dismissed from residency as a result of disciplinary sanction should refer to the requirements of their hearing outcome letter to determine their eligibility for a return to residency.

Medical Withdrawals from the College or from College Residency

Voluntary Withdrawals

A student may voluntarily withdraw from the College or from residency for medical reasons. Medical reasons include physical or mental health conditions, which prevent or constructively prevent a student from participating in the academic or residential programs offered by the College in any meaningful way.

A student who wishes to voluntarily withdraw from the College or Residency for medical reasons must first seek the approval of the Vice President for Student Affairs by sending a signed notification to the Vice President for Student Affairs requesting a medical withdrawal. Normally, a student must commence the medical withdrawal process within 15 days of leaving the College. The Vice President for Student Affairs shall designate one of the College’s Healthcare Professionals to review the request and make a recommendation to the Vice President for Student Affairs as to the sufficiency of the grounds for the request. The Vice President for Student Affairs may require additional information from the student in order to allow the Healthcare Professional to make an informed recommendation. In consultation with the Healthcare Professional, the Vice President for Student Affairs shall either approve or reject the request. If approved, the Vice President for Student Affairs shall notify the student and the Director of Academic Services and the Director of Residence Life, as applicable, depending on the nature of the withdrawal. In the case of a College withdrawal, the Director of Academic Services shall, upon receiving the approval of the Vice President for Student Affairs commence the College withdrawal process. In the case of a residency withdrawal, the Director of Residence Life shall commence the residential withdrawal process.

Upon approval of a medical withdrawal, Student Financial Services and Residence Life Office shall process refunds in accordance with the alternative medical withdrawal refund calculation procedures.

Involuntary Withdrawals

Normally, a medical withdrawal will result from the student’s voluntary efforts. In exceptional circumstances, a student may be asked to leave the College or the residence halls involuntarily until the circumstances have abated. In this case, the student may be eligible to receive a refund based upon the alternative medical withdrawal refund calculation procedures.

An involuntary medical withdrawal may be presented to the student by the Vice President for Student Affairs in consultation with the College’s Healthcare Professionals. An involuntary medical withdrawal must involve a strong likelihood of one or more of the following:

The reasons for the recommendation must be documented in writing. Whenever reasonably possible, a meeting between the student and the Vice President for Student Affairs (or designee) will be held prior to the imposition of an involuntary medical withdrawal for the student to present his/her version of the facts and to indicate why an involuntary medical withdrawal should not be invoked. Following this meeting, the decision of the Vice President for Student Affairs will be final. Once approved, the terms of the involuntary medical withdrawal become effective immediately, and the student will be required to leave the residence halls or campus immediately. In the case of emergencies, advance notice may not be possible.

Return to the College or Residency After Voluntary or Involuntary Medical Withdrawals

In order to return to academic course work or live independently in College residence halls, a student must present documentation in writing that the medical problem no longer precludes safe attendance at the College including the successful completion of academic coursework or the ability to live independently in College residence halls. The student may be required to meet with the Director of Health Services or the Director of the Counseling and Testing Center, or designees, for an assessment. The student may also be required to permit his/her Healthcare provider(s) to consult with the Vice President for Students Affairs, Director of Health Services or the Director of the Counseling and Testing Center, or designees, regarding the student’s successful completion of academic coursework or ability to live independently in College residence halls.

The Vice President for Student Affairs, in consultation with the College’s Healthcare and Academic Professionals, will make the final decision of whether or not a student may return to academic coursework or College residence halls. No College office may grant readmission or conditional readmission to a student, or allow a student to register or receive financial or institutional aid, who has been away from the College for a medical reason without first receiving the written approval of the Vice President for Student Affairs.

While a student is on a voluntary or involuntary medical leave, he or she will not be eligible to participate in the housing selection process or reserve a specific housing assignment.

If a student has left the College for any period of time because of a medical reason, even if a voluntary or involuntary medical withdrawal has not been processed, the student shall be subject to the conditions of return after a medical withdrawal as described above. The College reserves the right to withdraw any student who fails to comply with this process.

Refund Calculations

Refund for College Withdrawals and Course Withdrawals

For fiscal reasons the College must anticipate that enrolled students will complete the semester to which they were admitted and the number of courses for which they have enrolled. Therefore, the College does not guarantee or promise the availability of a tuition refund. If the College, in its sole discretion, determines that a refund is available, the following process outlined will apply.

Student Financial Services will determine the amount of a tuition refund available based on the official withdrawal date of the student as determined by the Director of Academic Services. A student who does not follow the procedures for withdrawing may forfeit his or her rights to a refund (within Federal Title IV Regulations.) The tuition refund is calculated less any fees and deposits. Fees and deposits are non-refundable. When determining refunds, the College shall, at all times, comply with federal and state regulations regarding the refund of federal or state financial aid funds. Current regulations require the college to refund such funds on a pro-rated basis for any student who withdraws before 60 percent of the applicable semester has been completed. For example, a student who completed 23 percent of the semester will keep 23 percent of his or her federal and/or state funds. The remaining 77 percent will be returned to the funding sources. Students receiving College funds will have their awards pro-rated according to the College’s tuition refund schedule listed below. For example, if a student receives 20 percent tuition refund, he or she will forfeit 20 percent of his or her College funding. Any balance due to the College resulting from adjustments of aid is the responsibility of the student.

Student/parent loans and government grants are deposited in the student’s tuition account. If a credit balance results, the student will automatically receive a refund if federal financial aid exceeds billed costs. Otherwise, the credit balance will remain on the account and be applied toward subsequent semester charges unless the student or parent (as appropriate) specifically requests a refund. A refund, when due, will be made payable to the student and mailed to the permanent address of the student, then on file with the College, unless the College is instructed otherwise in writing. When the deposit of a parent loan results in a credit balance, the refund will be made payable to the parent and mailed to the parent’s home address then on file with the College. The College endeavors to quickly and efficiently process all refunds. Normally, the refund process takes approximately 14 business days. However, the refund process may take longer based on the timing of deposit and confirmation of checks. Normally, deposited checks are held for 10 business days after deposit by the College before the refund process begins. A refund will not be made for an amount less that $25 unless a student has graduated or withdrawn. Refunds will not be done until funds for pending and/or verified financial aid have been received and applied to the student’s account.

The following tuition refund schedule applies to all enrolled students in any of the College’s programs who withdraw from the College for personal reasons or who withdraw from a course or courses and/or change their status from full-time to part-time.

Withdrawal: Refund:
For 15-week semester courses
During the first two weeks of classes 80%
During the third week of classes 60%
During the fourth week of classes 40%
During the fifth week of classes 20%
After the fifth week of classes No refund
For 6/7-week courses
During the first week of classes 80%
During the second week of classes 40%
After the second week of classes No refund
For 5-week courses or 5-day courses
Before the second class 80%
After the second class No refund

Part-time students who withdraw before the first day of a class will receive a full refund of tuition for that class.

Full-time students who reduce their course load to fewer than twelve credits per semester after they have registered will have their charges pro-rated based on the full-time rate. Pro-rations will be based on the Tuition Refund Schedule outlined above.

Room and Board Refunds

For fiscal reasons the College must anticipate that enrolled residential students will complete the semester to which they were admitted as residential students. Therefore, the College does not guarantee or promise the availability of a room and board refund. If the College, in its sole discretion, determines that a refund is available, the following calculation process will apply. The date of a student’s withdrawal from residency shall be determined by the Director of Residence Life, or his or her designee, and will be used by the Associate Director for Student Accounts to determine the pro-rated room and board overhead charges. A student who does not follow the withdrawal procedures may forfeit his or her right to a refund. Room and board overhead charges will be refunded according to the following schedule for all students who withdraw from residency, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.

The date of a student’s withdrawal from residency shall be determined by the Director of Residence Life, or his or her designee, and will be used by the Associate Director for Student Accounts to determine the pro-rated room and board overhead charges. A student who does not follow the withdrawal procedures may forfeit his or her right to a refund.

Room and board overhead charges will be refunded according to the following schedule for all students who withdraw from residency, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.

Withdrawal: Refund:
During the first two weeks of classes 80%
During the third week of classes 60%
During the fourth week of classes 40%
During the fifth week of classes 20%
After the fifth week of classes No refund

The meal plan refund shall be equal to the amount remaining in the student’s declining balance account less any administrative fees, which are nonrefundable. Students who reduce their course load to fewer than 12 credits per semester may forfeit their eligibility for residency.

The room guarantee charge is non-refundable in accordance with the room and board contract.

Alternative Medical Withdrawal Refund Calculations

A student who has complied with the procedures for and subsequently received approval for a voluntary medical withdrawal or has been presented with an involuntary medical withdrawal by the College may be eligible for an alternate refund calculation as outlined below.

Tuition charges will be pro-rated from the first day of classes to the student’s last day of class attendance, based on the daily rate from the first through the last day of classes for that semester.

Room and board overhead charges will be pro-rated, from the first week of classes to the end of the week in which the student actually relinquishes occupancy of his or her room.

Food charges will be adjusted in accordance with the amount remaining in the student’s meal plan (declining balance) account at the point he or she departs the College.

Institutional aid will be pro-rated, calculated on a daily rate from the first through the last day of classes for that semester.

Government aid will be refunded in accordance with state and federal law and applicable regulations.

Fees are not refundable.

The Alternative Medical Withdrawal Refund Calculation may be granted only once in a student’s Stonehill career. The College recommends that all full-time students seriously consider purchasing the tuition refund insurance offered by A.W.G. Dewar Inc. through a mailing to all students.

Family Tuition Schedule

Provided that family members are full-time students, are matriculating at the same time, and are not receiving any other scholarship or tuition remission from or through the College, the following family tuition schedule will apply:

The total family reduction will be divided and applied equally to each family member. NOTE: Family members include only dependent members of a single household.

Financial Aid

Current and prospective students are encouraged to discuss with their parents all expenses anticipated for the entire period of education to determine if family resources need to be supplemented by scholarships or other forms of financial aid in order to meet these expenses. College policy requires that all students who need financial assistance apply for all available aid from federal, state, institutional, and private sources. Applicants for admission, transfer students, and returning students who wish to renew or be considered for need-based grants and scholarships, loans and/or campus employment must file a complete Financial Aid Application each year.

A Complete Financial Aid Application Consists of the Following:

  1. For every aid applicant: the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Renewal FAFSA, completed in its entirety and processed through the federal processor. Under the College Release section, list Stonehill with federal code number 002217.
  2. For full-time first year, transfer, and other first-time aid applicants: The Profile Form from the College Scholarship Service (CSS) is required for consideration of all institutional aid, including, but not limited to merit aid, athletic aid, and need based aid. Priority deadline for regular decision is February 1. Under the College Release section, list Stonehill with the CSS code number 3770.
Provided, as appropriate, to first-time applicants by CSS and to renewal applicants by the College:
  1. Non-Custodial Parent Statement.
  2. Stonehill Supplemental Application, completed by returning students.
Only if requested by the College:
  1. Verification Form.
  2. Verification of sibling college enrollment.
  3. Signed copies of parents’ federal income tax return, all schedules, and W-2 forms; or Statement of Non-tax Filer.
  4. Signed copies of student’s federal income tax return and W-2 forms; or Statement of Non-tax Filer.
  5. Any other documents/material deemed necessary for verification.
How to obtain necessary financial aid applications:

Renewal FAFSAs for returning students are now available online only, accessible with a PIN provided by the Federal Government. Further information regarding the PIN is available at

To receive federal financial aid, a student must also: be registered with Selective Service if male and at least 18 years old (or not be required to do so under federal law); have no federal student loans in default status; owe no refunds to the Pell Grant, SEOG or SSIG Programs (Title IV, HEA Grant) for attendance at any institution; be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen; have no drug-related convictions while receiving federal or state financial aid (depending on type of offense) and certify this on the FAFSA form; and meet Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements.

To maintain the integrity of the programs administered by Stonehill College and to insure the equitable distribution of available funds, the accuracy of information submitted on applications for all types of financial assistance, including loans, will be verified. Therefore, financial aid applicants and their parents are urged to use information from completed federal tax returns when filling out their Financial Aid Applications. It is not recommended that families delay filing the Financial Aid Applications until tax returns are completed, especially if it means a deadline will be missed but, rather, that tax returns be completed early. Using accurate information will result in fewer corrections to an application and, consequently, fewer adjustments to a financial aid award. Priority filing deadlines: Profile and FAFSA by February 1 for early action and regular decision incoming first-year students; and FAFSA by March 1 for returning students.

Standards of Progress for Financial Aid Recipients

Academic Standing and/or Good Academic Standing: A student who is on academic probation is considered to be on probation for financial aid purposes; such a student may still be eligible to receive financial aid during the probationary period. However, a student separated or dismissed from the College for academic reasons who is readmitted on appeal is not necessarily eligible for financial aid. (See Academic Policies for the definition of Good Academic Standing.)

In order to receive or continue to receive financial aid funded by the government and/or Stonehill College (including loans, grants, scholarships and jobs), a student must maintain satisfactory academic progress as defined below.

Satisfactory Academic Progress: A student must pass a specific number of the courses/credits he/she attempts each academic year. (The number of courses/credits attempted equals the number of courses/credits in which the student is officially enrolled at the end of each Add/Drop period.

Courses/credits from which a student withdraws after the Add/Drop period are considered courses/credits attempted but not satisfactorily completed. In addition, a student’s cumulative average at the end of two academic years of study must be at least 2.00, and his/her record must reflect this minimum standard at each subsequent review.

Students are reviewed annually, at the end of each spring semester, for compliance with Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements. In addition to the cumulative average noted above, this review covers all courses/credits attempted at this institution since the end of the previous spring semester, beginning with any course(s)/credits taken in the first summer session of the preceding academic year.

To be in compliance:

# credits taken must pass
39 – 52 33 credits
36 – 38 30 credits
33 – 35 27 credits
30 – 32 24 credits
27 – 29 21 credits
24 – 26 18 credits
21 – 23 15 credits
18 – 20 12 credits
15 – 17 9 credits
12 – 14 6 credits
9 – 11 6 credits
6 – 8 3 credits
1 – 5 all

during the full academic period described above.

To regain eligibility for financial aid after unsatisfactory progress has been declared, a student must complete the number of courses/ credits not passed within the period which resulted in the loss of aid and achieve the required cumulative grade-point average. To be eligible for federal Title IV funding, a student may not have enrolled in more than 150% of the credits required to complete his/her degree.

A full-time student is expected to complete degree requirements within 6 years or 12 semesters of attendance.

Appeals: The denial of financial aid because of failure to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements may be appealed if the student believes there are special circumstances which should be considered. A written appeal, sent within 15 days of notification of ineligibility for aid, should be addressed to the Academic Review Board, in care of the Director of Student Financial Services. A response will be mailed to the student within 15 days of receipt of such appeal.

Stonehill College Scholarships

Each year the College offers a number of partial-tuition scholarships and grants to incoming and returning students. While some scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit, it is required that a financial aid application (CSS Profile) be on file with the College. Scholarships require a maintenance of a minimum cumulative average for renewal, but merit scholarship recipients need not file for aid in subsequent years unless they wish to be considered for other aid as well, including need-based grants, student loans, and work-study. (See here for a description of the financial aid application process for incoming and returning students.)

The names of the awards and application/renewal requirements are shown below:

Name Application/Renewal Requirements Financial Aid Application
Cum Avg To Apply To Renew
Novak/Sakmar/Templeton Scholarship 3.3, SAP* Required No
Honors Scholarship 3.3, SAP* Required No
Presidential Scholarship 3.0, SAP* Required No
Dean’s Scholarship 2.9, SAP* Required No
Stonehill Need-Based Grant SAP* Required Required
Stonehill Endowed/Restricted Scholarships SAP* Required Required

*Satisfactory Academic Progress

Stonehill scholarships and grants may not exceed the amount actually charged for tuition. They are credited only to semesters in which the recipient pays tuition to Stonehill. Half the amount of the scholarship is applied to the fall semester and half to the spring semester, provided the recipient meets the preceding criteria. These awards are not applicable to semesters in which tuition is paid to another institution or program, nor may the entire amount be credited to one semester. Eligibility may not exceed 40 courses/128 credits or 8 semesters in total. Scholarships are awarded for and presume full-time continuous attendance.

Restricted/Endowed Scholarships

Stonehill College awards funding that has been gifted to the College as endowment. Many of these scholarships carry restrictions as stipulated by the donors. To apply, returning students must file the complete Financial Aid Application and a Restricted/Endowed Scholarship Application. This special application is available online at under Admissions and Financial Aid/Financial Aid and Scholarships, between February 1 and April 1 for the following academic year. New students do not complete this special application. A complete list of available scholarships appears in this catalog and may be viewed online at under Admissions and Financial Aid/Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Federal Pell Grant

Funded and administered by the federal government, eligibility for Pell Grant is based on exceptional financial need. Awards vary, based on an index established by the federal government. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the annual application for Pell Grant. Since it is the primary source of federal student aid, all students who seek assistance of any kind are required to apply for the Pell Grant.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

Stonehill College receives from the federal government an allocation of FSEOG funds which it matches by 25%. The total funding is administered by the College and is prioritized to applicants with exceptional financial need. Pell Grant recipients have the first priority. Awards range from $100 to $4,000 per year and are re-determined annually. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the application for FSEOG funds.

Federal Academic Competiveness Grant (ACG)

Funded and administered by the federal government, ACG is awarded to Pell-eligible students who are first- or second-year students. First-year students who have participated in a rigorous high school curriculum as defined by the federal government receive $750; second year students who maintain a minimum 3.00 cum receive $1300. The FAFSA is the annual application.

Federal SMART Grant

Funded and administered by the federal government, up to $4,000 SMART Grants are awarded to Pell-eligible students who achieve junior or senior level status, 3.00 cum each semester, and other federally determined criteria including majoring in certain science and/or math areas. The FAFSA is the annual application.

Federal TEACH Grant

Funded and administered by the federal government, up to $4,000 TEACH Grants are awarded to students who meet certain academic requirements and who indicate they may teach in a federally defined high need school for four years upon graduation. The TEACH Grant reverts to an unsubsidized federal student loan if the obligation to teach is not fulfilled within eight years of graduation. The FAFSA is the annual application and an Agreement to Serve and entrance and exit counseling must be completed, but TEACH does not require that the student have financial need.

ROTC Scholarships

Students at Stonehill College may compete for Army ROTC Scholarships.

State Scholarships/Grants

Students should investigate the availability of scholarships/grants through their states. Eligible students should submit state scholarship/grant applications by the appropriate deadlines.

Student Loans

Loans are available to Stonehill College students from the following sources:

The William D. Ford Federal Direct Student Loan Program. Loan limits are determined by the number of credits completed: up to $5,500 per year for students who have completed fewer than 30 credits; up to $6,500 per year for students who have completed between 30 and 59 credits; and up to $7,500 per year for students who have completed at least 60 credits. Total borrowing may not exceed $34,500. This loan program is funded by the federal government and administered by the College.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is used to determine eligibility. There are two types of Direct Loans: subsidized and unsubsidized. Students who demonstrate sufficient financial need qualify for a base subsidized loan. The fixed interest rate on this loan is 4.5 percent with a federal origination fee of .5 percent net. No interest accrues on this loan while the student attends school at least half time. Those who do not qualify for the full subsidized loan may borrow an unsubsidized Direct Student Loan plus the supplemental unsubsidized loan of $2,000; however, the student must either pay the interest on this loan while in school or opt to capitalize the interest and pay it, along with the principal, upon leaving school. The fixed interest rate on the unsubsidized loan is 6.8 percent, and the federal origination fee is .5 percent. Repayment of principal for both types of loans begins six months after the student ceases to be enrolled at least half time.

Promissory Notes for the Direct Student Loan Program are available online through Student Financial Services at Stonehill or at the federal web site at The loan funds (net the .5 percent origination fee) are credited directly to the student’s tuition account, half in each semester.

It is not necessary for a student to complete a promissory note for every year in which (s)he borrows through the Federal Direct Student Loan Program. A Master Promissory Note is completed for the first year in which the student borrows and remains in effect for each subsequent loan borrowed for a total of 10 years.

The Federal Perkins Loan Program. This federally-sponsored loan program is administered by the College on a funds-available basis. Eligibility is based on need as shown on the FAFSA. The interest rate is fixed at 5%; repayment begins 9 months after the student ceases to be enrolled at least half time.

Student Employment

In addition to the scholarship, loan, and grant opportunities described above, limited part-time employment is available to students who can, without jeopardizing their academic standing, devote time to campus jobs.

The College participates in the Federal Work- Study Program, which serves to expand the opportunities for part-time student employment on campus. The Work-Study Office has identified and classified Community Service positions off campus. These job postings are designated as such and are reserved for students who qualify for Federal Work-Study.

To be considered for academic year employment, a student must have a processed FAFSA on file in Student Financial Services.

A comprehensive listing of financial aid programs is contained at under Admissions and Financial Aid/Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Tuition Installment Payment Plan

Many families prefer to spread tuition and fee payments throughout the year rather than make one large payment prior to each semester. The College offers a payment plan through TMS at a nominal fee:

Tuition Management Services (TMS) 171 Service Ave, 2nd Floor • Warwick, RI 02886 (888)216-4258 •

Informational brochures and application forms are sent to all students. There are no interest charges; the current enrollment fee is $65. The amount of the contract and length of the payment period are chosen by the family. For example, an estimated out-of-pocket cost of $5,500 may be paid at the rate of $550 per month for ten months. The deadline to enroll for the Fall semester is August 1; families interested in enrolling for the Spring semester only must call TMS directly.


Students receiving institutional or government financial aid (Perkins Loan, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Pell Grant, State Scholarships, Direct Loan, etc.) or educational assistance (Veterans’ Benefits) should consider the possible loss of, or reduction in, this assistance before enrolling for other than full-time student status. The effect on financial assistance must be considered in any decision to accelerate course requirements or to reduce one’s course load.

The College must anticipate for fiscal reasons that all financial obligations to the College will be paid in full. Failure to meet these obligations may result in Administrative Withdrawal from the College. In the event that a student leaves the College owing monies for tuition, room and board, fees, fines, or holds delinquent loans, the College reserves the right to withhold grades, official transcripts, and/or additional services within the confines of the Buckley Amendment.

The College reserves the right to withhold diplomas and official transcripts and/or to deny participation in graduation exercises to any student who owes monies, books, or equipment to the College or who has failed to fulfill all obligations to the College, or who is in default on a federal student loan.

The College also reserves the right to refuse payment it determines to be unacceptable and the right to require that payment made after the due date be by cashier’s check. Payments made after May 1 and prior to the end of the academic year must be in cash or by certified check. Personal checks will not be accepted after that date.

If for any reason the College must refer an account to an outside agency for collection, the College reserves the right to add any and all legal and/or agency fees to the account balance. The College also reserves the right to report the outstanding account to a credit reporting bureau.


The Lee Abraham Scholarship
The John I. Ahern Memorial Scholarship
The Neil Ahern ‘69 Memorial Scholarship
The Family of Charles Altieri Scholarship
The Joseph M. Alukonis Memorial Scholarship
The Alumni Council Scholarship
The Anheuser-Busch Scholarship
The Alan Bailey Memorial Scholarship
The Edward H. Baker Scholarship
The Balsamo Scholarship
The Charles Barrett Scholarship
The Harold and Livia Baynes Memorial Scholarship
The Carmi A. Belmont Memorial Scholarship
The Barbara A. Benoit Scholarship
The Birmingham Scholarship
The Blanchard Foundation Scholarship
The Philip and Sara Boyle Scholarship
The Sheila and William J. Boyle Scholarship
The Reverend John F. Brady Memorial Scholarship
The Lauren Michelle Branco Memorial Scholarship
The Doreen Brennan Scholarship
The Ronald E. Burton Memorial Scholarship
The Sgt. Robert H. Cairns Memorial Scholarship
The Campanelli Foundation Scholarship
The Joseph F. Carney Memorial Scholarship
The Arthur J. and Margaret M. Carriuolo Memorial Scholarship
The Anthony E. Cascino Memorial Scholarship
The Cavanagh Family Scholarship
The Thomas D. Christopher Memorial Scholarship
The Christopher J. Civale, ‘74 Scholarship
The C. James Cleary Scholarship
The William F. Connell Memorial Scholarship
The Connor S Family Scholarship
The William J. Connors Memorial Scholarship
The Joseph M. Corcoran Memorial Scholarship
The Reverend John J. Corr, C.S.C. Memorial Scholarship
The Edward L. Coughlin Memorial Scholarship
The Timothy J. Coughlin Memorial Scholarship
The Robert G. Cummings Memorial Scholarship
The Darling/My Brother’s Keeper Scholarship
The DeSouza Ward Scholarship
The William F. Devin Scholarship
The Linda A. and Francis X. Dillon Scholarship
The Jeffrey Ditmar Memorial Scholarship
The Reverend James W. Donahue, C.S.C. Memorial Scholarship
The Ciaran Ryan Donoghue Memorial Scholarship
The Reverend Peter Donohue, C. S. C. Memorial Scholarship **
The Jennifer Dow Memorial Scholarship
The Charles C. Ely Educational Scholarship
The Stonehill Environmental Scholarship
The Ernst & Young Scholarship
The Cheryl and Daniel Farley Family Scholarship
The Fay Family Scholarship
The Reverend Thomas M. Feeley, C.S.C./Saint Thomas Aquinas Philosophy Scholarship
The Joseph Francis Finn, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
The George R. Fish Memorial Scholarship
The Brassil Fitzgerald Memorial Scholarship
The John Kennedy FitzGerald Memorial Scholarship
The Aline and Paul Flynn Scholarship
The Thomas Folliard Memorial Scholarship
The Charles A. Frueauff Foundation Scholarship
The Reverend William F. Gartland, C.S.C. Memorial Scholarship
The Geraghty Family Irish Studies Scholarship
The Alfred F. and Martha Gomes Family Scholarship
The Jack & Mary Gorman Scholarship
The James “Lou” ‘53 and Mary Lou Gorman Scholarship
The Colleen Coyle Green Memorial Scholarship
The Reverend Eugene Green/Beta XI Scholarship **
The James E. Hayden ‘76 Memorial Scholarship
The William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarship
The William T. Herlihy Memorial Scholarship
The Paula Ann Hiltz Memorial Scholarship
The Hoffman Family Scholarship
The Honorable Timothy E. Holland Family Scholarship
The Holy Cross Fathers Scholarship
The Joseph L. Hopkins Memorial Scholarship
The Henry C. Howley Memorial Scholarship
The Reverend Francis J. Hurley, C.S.C. Scholarship
The Italian Education and Cultural Interchange Scholarship
The Junior League of Women’s Italian Club of Boston Scholarship
The Reverend Joseph P. Keena, C.S.C. Memorial Scholarship
The Joseph F. Kelliher III Memorial Scholarship
The Joseph F. Kenneally, D.M.D. Scholarship
The Harold G. Kern Memorial Scholarship
The Kimberly Ann Kitchell Memorial Scholarship
The Robert and Dorothy (Oliger) Kruse Memorial Scholarship
The Mitchell A. Labuda Memorial Scholarship
The William C. LaPlante Memorial Scholarship
The Edward Scott “Teddy” Lehan Memorial Scholarship
The Reverend Joseph S. Lehane, C.S.C. Scholarship
The Diane Grueter Lincoln Memorial Scholarship
The Lockary-Hegarty Memorial Scholarship
The Curtis L. Lopes II Memorial Scholarship
The Clare Boothe Luce Scholarship
The Edward (Ted) MacLeod Memorial Scholarship
The Reverend Bartley MacPhaidin, C.S.C. Scholarship
The Trooper Gary E. Magee Memorial Scholarship
The Kerri A. Mahoney Memorial Scholarship
The Stephen P. Mandill Memorial Scholarship
The Peter J. Marathas, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
The Peter Mareb Memorial Scholarship
The Reverend Richard Mazziotta, C.S.C. Memorial Scholarship
The Reverend John E. McCarthy, C.S.C. Memorial Scholarship
The McDonough Family Scholarship
The Matthew McDonough Memorial Scholarship
The Margaret McFadden Memorial Scholarship
The William G. McGowan Memorial Scholarship
The Ann and John McGrath Memorial Scholarship
The John and Margarete McNeice Scholarship
The Miller-Moroney Scholarship
The Robert J. Mills Memorial Scholarship
The Edmond N. Moriarty, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
The Gregory “Rodney” Moynahan Memorial Scholarship
The Bill Mulford Memorial Scholarship for Independent Students**
The Beatrice H. Mullaney Memorial Scholarship
The Frank & Susan Mullin Scholarship
The Lt. William C. Murphy Memorial Scholarship
The Michael D. Nessralla Memorial Scholarship
The Helen and Albert Niemi Scholarship
The Novak-Sakmar-Templeton Merit Scholarship
The Ann O’Connell Scholarship
The O’Connor Family Scholarship
The Robert M. O’Donnell Memorial Scholarship
The Paul K. O’Leary Memorial Scholarship
The William C. O’Malley Memorial Scholarship
The Mark J. Oteri Memorial Scholarship
The Amy Hoar Palmisciano Memorial Scholarship
The Peter Paolella Memorial Scholarship
The Senator John Parker Memorial Scholarship
The Lisa M. Philo-Corcoran Memorial Scholarship
The James Pires Memorial Scholarship
The E. Romeo and Edward D. Poirier Memorial Scholarship
The John and Aliese Price Foundation Scholarship
The Raynham/Taunton Greyhound Association Scholarship
The Captain Janet M. Redgate, U.S.N., NC Memorial Scholarship
The Christine Reynolds Memorial Scholarship
The Ray Richard Memorial Scholarship
The Patty Roche Memorial Scholarship
The Theresa Ryan Scholarship
The Thomas and Mary Shields Scholarship
The Shields Merit Scholarship
The Birute T. Silvia Scholarship
The Cardinal Spellman Scholarship
The A. Michael Storlazzi Scholarship
The Madelyn W. Sturtevant Memorial Scholarship
The Reverend Lawrence Sullivan, C.S.C. Memorial Scholarship
The Sullivan-Langsenkamp Memorial Scholarship
The Raymond Tashash Family Scholarship
The Ralph D. Tedeschi Memorial Scholarship
The Nancy J. Thurston Memorial Scholarship
The David M. Tracy Scholarship
The Bessie Tsaganis Memorial Scholarship
The Villa Nazareth Scholarship
The Richard A. Voke Scholarship
The Honorable Martha Ware Scholarship
The Washington, D.C. Alumni Scholarship
The Herbert A. and Gertrude M. Wessling Memorial Scholarship
The Vincent P. and Mary L. Wright Memorial Scholarship
The Yawkey Scholarship

**Scholarships for part-time/independent students

For more information on individual scholarships, please visit